Do you have any questions? Please read our help pages first. Should your question still not be answered, just give us a call or send us an e-mail.
You can pay for your order in advance, cash on delivery, SEPA Direct Debit Mandate or by bank transfer. You can also make a cash payment when pick up your goods.
Udo Platzöder
In case of prepayment it is best to exclude possible delivery delays immediately. With SEPA we usually collect the amount within 10 days. In case of delivery on account within 30 days.
Udo Platzöder
New customers are supplied by prepayment or cash on delivery. If this is not possible, please contact us. You will find all data on this in our contact form.
Udo Platzöder
This is generally possible. If we do not have any payment experience from you, you are welcome to discuss this with our sales team.
Udo Platzöder
Fastest here:
Postbank Nürnberg | IBAN: DE19 7601 0085 0028 4358 50 | BIC: PBNKDEFF |
or on the order confirmations and invoices in the footer.
Udo Platzöder